Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hasta luego (see you later)

Today was our final day in the village.  It began with us all gathering together in their common area for a time of worship.  We were delighted to see a large number of people in attendance.  The children seemed particularly excited for our time together given how much fun they had yesterday playing games and doing crafts.

A man named Jacinto (sp?) led our devotion time.  He read from Genesis 3:19- "By the sweat of your brow, you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."  He shared how hard their work is on a day-to-day basis and how they were glad that we were able and willing to participate in the work over the last couple of days.  My sense was that he wanted us to know that they are hard workers and that they are grateful for the help they have received.  He thanked the people of New Community Church for partnering with Agros to 'give them a hand up.'  He compared this to the 'hand up' they gave us during our long, challenging walk on the first day.  The land gives them hope for a better tomorrow and hope that by working hard and sacrificing, their children will be able to have a better life than them.

Following a few songs, our team and the entire community were asked if they wanted to share any thoughts with the group.  One-by-one, our team took turns thanking them for their hospitality, providing them with encouragement and thanking God for our time together.  Our students did an excellent job standing in front of a very large crowd and sharing their faith and gratitude.  Members of their community then stood and thanked us for making the journey to Tierra Neuva.  It was a wonderful moment of feeling connected to one another.

Next, we all went into the fields to help 'clean the beans.'  Each of the families use about one-quarter of their land to grow beans and other items for their personal food.  One of the families allowed us to work on their land and our team spent a few hours helping to cut out the weeds from around their bean plants.  The men and boys stayed by our sides and helped us throughout the process.  It was interesting to continue to learn how they do their work day-to-day.

The entire village was invited to lunch today.  Our team had the privilege of serving the food to the villagers.  Once again, the ladies of the village did an excellent job preparing the meal and it was delicious.  Following lunch, they invited us to sample their coffee.  While most of the families are still a year or so away from their first coffee harvest, some coffee had already been harvested and we were able to have a cup.  It was excellent coffee.

For our final event prior to our departure, the villagers asked us to form a line and then they all stood in front of us.  Several ladies presented each of us with handmade bracelets as a token of their thanks.  The men then sang several songs while the villagers came over and gave us hugs and their thanks.   There were many teary eyes in the group, including my own.  Katie Kovac then lightened the mood by trying to dance with some of the young boys.  Most of them tried to escape and this brought good laughs to us all.  It was hard to believe that our 3 days went by so quickly, but I know that the people of Tierra Neuva are already looking forward to seeing the NCC team that will come down next year.  So rather than say 'adios', we simply left with 'hasta luego' or 'see you later.'

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