Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A final set of images from our last day in Tierra Neuva…
Beautiful land filled with bean crops.

The men patiently showed us how to clean the beans 
(pull the weeds) in order to protect the bean crops.

They cut the stalks of the weeds instead of pulling the weed, roots and all
because they do not want to disturb the soil.  This area gets so much rain, 
and the crops are harvested on hillsides, so the soil must stay firm 
and not be disturbed.

We used knives and machetes to carefully cut the weeds.

Natan is not only our translator and guide, but a very special friend.
He was slightly concerned about Lisa's joy over using the knife!

A beautiful bean crop!

When we returned from the bean fields, all the people were gathered.
This was our biggest crowd this week because they all came to hear what
our experience was like for us, and to share our last meal together.

We were honored to be able to serve the meal to our friends of Tierra Neuva.

Once again our kids played together one last time before we said our goodbyes.

A special thanks to our Agros friends, the "in country" staff, for all they do!

1 comment:

  1. We are so looking forward to seeing you back here at home and hearing your stories. The photos speak loudly of the connection you experienced with the good people of TN. "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!" Romans 10:15 Thank you, again, for representing us and the love of Christ to the people of TN!!
